

My name is Zachary Aamold, I was born in Dallas, TX and have lived there pretty much for my entire life. My favorite pastime is most definitely video games, with a particular focus on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Overwatch. I’ve spent most of my time so far behind a computer screen or with a controller in my hand, so I am much more of a digital person than an analog person.

If there is any form of media I dislike, it would be social media. Social media, at least from my perspective, is too much hassle; I’ve never cared too much about what other people posted and I’ve never had much to post myself. Other people use it on a daily basis, and that’s fine with me, I just don’t understand the purpose in doing so.

I am writing this blog as a part of the “New Media and Cultural Change” course at Austin College, and I am interested in taking this course because I want to learn more about how people have communicated in the past, how we communicate today, and what has changed between now and then to cause these differences, both technologically and socially. My goal is to become a game designer, and learning more about how and why people interact with each other will help me write better, more involved stories for video games in the future.